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Tumbling Clinic

Every 3rd Saturday of the month we hold a 2 hr. long tumbling clinic from 1:30-3:30 pm here at Gymnastics Elite! This clinic has been hugely beneficial to those who are trying to trying to learn the basics of tumbling or improve on the skills that they already have. The two programs that we focus on is our Cartwheel Clinic and Flip Flop Workshop. In order to participate in our Flip Flop Workshop you must have mastered your round off but if you have not yet done this you will be participating in our Cartwheel Clinic. Taking this tumbling clinic is a great way of seeing what your body can do and challenging yourself to progress. Tumbling challenges pretty much every part of your body as well as your mind. Some of the things that tumbling teaches you are:

  1. Coordination and timing

  2. Flexibility

  3. Agility

  4. Control and Awareness of your body

  5. Strength

  6. Confidence and determination

All of these characteristics are important to performing tumbling skills in a smooth, controlled and most importantly, safely! This clinic is a great opportunity to either try out tumbling before committing to a class or if you want that little bit of extra practice outside of your classes to improve your skills. It is also an event that can involve the whole family and be an opportunity to spend quality time together! Participants must be 3 yrs and up (ADULTS INCLUDED) and will be $15.

Sign up at our front desk our give us a call at (915) 590-9056 if you have any questions!

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