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Camping night will be this Saturday. We are very excited to announce our new themes for our monthly Kids Night Outs! This Saturday, May 10 from 6:00 - 11:00 pm we will be having a very special camping night in. Kids will still have the time to play on all of the equipment out in the gym. work on their gymnastics skills, and participate in the group games we will have. And on top of all of that, we will be screening a movie in our new gym on a 25 ft screen! This is why kids attending are encouraged to bring their sleeping bags and pillows! We will also have the kids participate in making a special snack after dinner; Dirt Worms in a Cup! (Don't worry, there won't be any REAL dirt or worms!) The recipe is simple; you get some chocolate pudding and place it in a cup filling it up halfway, then you place some gummy worms on top of the pudding, finally you top it off with some Oreo cookie crumbs, and TA-DA! You've got yourself a dirty, slimy, fresh cup of Dirt Worms! The kids are going to love it! So, bring the kids on by for a camping experience they'll never forget! Sign up online and save time and money! Don't forget, if you give us a 5 star google review you will receive a $5 discount for KNO! Price is $18 until Saturday at 2:00 pm. Walk-in price is $28.00. GIve us a call if you have any questions.

Click this link below to go to our Kids Night page:!blank/cyzj


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